|Oil Painting|
聆聽這座島的聲音 Hearing What the Island Tells, 60 cm ×72 cm, 2018
天空的鄉愁 Sky’s Nostalgia, 162cm x 112cm, 2018
The Lonely City, 72cm × 100cm, 2018
NY隨機取樣 Random Sampling from the City of NY, 80cm × 100cm, 2018
旋轉木馬上的夜曲 Nocturne on a Carousel, 80cm × 116.5cm, 2018
在紐約散步的方法 How to Walk in NYC, 91cm × 116.5cm, 2018
天空樹下的Panda Panda under the Skytree, 50 cm × 60.5cm, 2017
窗前的局外人 An Outsid er Facing the Window, 45.5cm × 53cm, 2017
NY早晨的寧靜與喧囂 The Both Sides of the Morning in NYC, Serenity & Turmoil, 53cm × 65cm, 2017
雲的路標-逆向 The Guidepost of Clouds, The Wrong Way, 45.5cm × 53cm 2017
鏡裡倫敦 London in Reflection, 72cm × 53cm, 2016
夢中異鏡 Eccentric Reflection in the Dream, 60cm × 80cm, 2016
兔立樹群 Out-standing Bunny into the Woods, 60cm × 90cm, 2106
鏡兔水月 Bunny in Hallucination, 80cm × 65m, 2016
移動之城 Moving Castle, 80cm ×100cm, 2016
飛過漢普斯特德 Flying Over Hampstead Heath, 72.5cm × 90cm, 2015
書。上癮 addicted to books, 53cm X 72.5 Cm, 2015
布拉格 Praha, 73cm x53cm, 2015
自畫像 Self-protrait, 38cm X 45.5cm, 2015
自畫像 Self-protrait, 38cm X 45.5cm, 2015
月見兔 moonbunny's portrait, 38cm X 45.5cm, 2015
揹著紅色包包走在稻田裡 walk across the rice fields, 45cm x 61 cm, 2014
站在萵苣上看世界 look up to the world on a lettuce, 30cm x 30cm, 2014
芒果時光 Mango Time, 38cm x 46 cm, 2014
與西瓜的夏日午後 Watermelon day afternoon, 50cm x 65 cm, 2014
夢境:晨昏散步 Dreaming, 72.5cm × 53 cm, 2014
月見兔 moonbunny's portrait, 38cm X 45.5cm, 2014
仰望星空 Look up to the starying night, 60.5cm × 45cm, 2014
春。風的和氣 wind’s kindness in Spring, 45cm X 60.5cm 2014
春。夜的鄉愁 Homesickness in Spring, 53cm X 65cm, 2014
在午後,一條寧靜的街 In the Afternoon, On the Tranquil Street, 65.0 x 50.0cm, 2014
下雪天,不期而遇 A Snow Day, A Chance Encounter, 72.5cm × 53cm 2014
那顆淡藍色星星 the blue planet,116.5cm × 80 cm, 2014
俯望 Look down to earth, 38cm x 45.5cm, 2013
夏天,與南瓜在海邊 In the Summer, With the Pumpkin, By the Sea , 65.0 x 50.0cm, 2014